Tuesday, November 1, 2011

The Law Firm Documents Add To Heat On James Murdoch.

The News Corp agreed to pay hundreds of thousands of pounds to an early phone-hacking victim because it recognized that evidence from the case was 'fatal' to its claims of innocence and new details released on Tuesday showed.

The briefing notes and emails exchanged between News Corp lawyers and handed over to the British parliamentary committee investigating the scandal indicated senior figures were aware of the problem in 2008 and the were working to keep the issue private.

A powerful case that there is (or was) a culture of illegal information access used at NGN is a News Group Newspapers in order to produce stories for publication, News Corp's senior outside counsel Michael Silverleaf told his clients and the rupert Murdoch's News Corp has been fighting mounting claims that its News of the World tabloid hacked the phones of thousands to secure exclusive stories and then orchestrated a corporate cover-up in a allegations started to emerge.

The slow drip of information has severely damaged Rupert Murdoch's son James to the presumed heir to the media group, over his handling of the fallout and the implication that he tried to prevent the true scale of the problem from emerging and the enalysts and critics of the firm have suggested Murdoch must have been aware of the scale of the problem when he approved the huge payoff and therefore was in some way culpable for a james Murdoch has been recalled to face further questions from the parliamentary committee next week.

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